Karl Wolpert

Karl Wolpert
Karl Wolpert is best known for his thoroughness, his reliability and his amicable personality. Karl’s ability to translate complex tax issues into workable solutions has contributed to his reputation as a trusted tax advisor to many. He specializes in offering top-notch services for his clients in the professional services, distribution and real estate industries.
Steadfast and diligent, Karl started his professional career in 2008 with Weinstein Spira and was admitted as a shareholder in 2021. He has taken an active role in training and mentoring junior staff accountants and in promoting an encouraging firm culture.
Always ready for an adventure, Karl has a love for the outdoors. Out of the office, you can find him biking, running and fishing at one of Houston’s many parks.

BBA in Accounting from University of Houston

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants